Thursday 9 January 2014

Start as you mean to go on!

New Year = New Start

It´s not uncommon to set new goals, targets and ambitions at the beginning of a new year, I will be using this blog to keep me on the road to achieving my objectives and record my progress.

I have a lot of ambitions and goals for 2014 and today I have started as I mean to go on. 

My Goals:
1. Lose 11kg by March
2. Save Save Save!!!
3. Travel to India in October

What I´ve done so far:
09.01.14 first day of making the changes I need to in order to achieve my goals.

Weight Loss:
Today´s weight 66.6kg
Attack Phase on the Dukan Diet lasting 5 days of Pure Protein.
Food eaten today - 1 fat free yoghurt, 2 oat bran cookies, 1 piece of Tandori Chicken, Peppered Steak, Loads of Water.
Exercise - 12km cycle (to and from work) 4km run (in gym).

Saving Table printed and stuck to notice board, in view everyday!